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It's not every day that you get to see your 3 day-old embryo through a microscope and take a picture of it with your cellphone moments before it gets implanted in you.

Doesn't it look fetching? There are two more just like it that got planted. Could science and creation be any more magnificent? Could my brain think about ANYTHING ELSE at this point? No. In other news, Valium kicks in in less than two minutes. FYI. So don't, say, drive to the post office after you take one, even if you live closeby. Hypothetical, of course.

Today we got the call that the 4th embryo (the one we didn't plant) did not mature to the blastosphere phase, meaning we can't freeze it. So literally all of my eggs are in one basket: me. I am the human basket. I am a happy basket. And I started a new Christmas project. Projects and embryos: all my happinesses at this point. One week and we'll know. One week. ONE WEEK!