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100 Bushels of Wallpaper




I had been wanting this wallpaper for over a year. It was the only wallpaper on sale the night I peeked at anthro's "sale" area of their website. It was a sign.

If you ever have to remove old wallpaper buy liquid fabric softener. Mix it 50/50 in a spray bottle with hot water. Spray it on the paper, massage it in, let it sit. The paper will scrape off with a putty knife and your neck muscles will thank you for saving them hours of unneeded effort.

It took a lot of nerve to post the final photo. I wanted to take everything off of the fridge and counters, remove the "to-do" list from the cabinet, make cookies for the cloche, etc, and then I remembered that I'm working on not being perfect and accepting life sans rose-colored glasses. So enjoy my real kitchen and know that it's cheery and British enough for Kate and Will if they ever want to stop in for a cup of tea.