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American Fork is the perfect little city to live in. Sure, sure, we have the mountains and canyons and proximity to Salt Lake. But mostly we have witty teens that vandalize our stop signs in their free time instead of playing video games. This is wise.

I absolutely love the clever graffiti that is terrorizing our hamlet. I'm only sorry that the "CAN'T STOP JIMMER" sign got taken down before I snapped a photo of it. Additionally, I cannot find the "DON'T STOP EATING VEGETABLES" sign. I even asked a reliable source deep within the Fire Department and he has never seen it.

Speaking of non-awful music, I absolutely love instrumental scores from movies.

My Top Ten:

1. The Last of the Mohicans

2. Ever After

3. Chocolat

4. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl

5. The Age of Innocence

6. Little Women

7. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

8. Edward Scissorhands

9. Pride & Prejudice (Keira Knightley version)

10. A Room With a View

What I just noticed is that my Top Ten contains three Johnny Depps, two Winona Ryders, two Keira Knightleys, two Daniel Day-Lewises and a link to Johnny Depp via Tim Burton via Helena Bonham Carter. With all this inbreeding between my soundtracks I bet I can get to Kevin Bacon in seven degrees or less.

1. Daniel Day-Lewis was a Mohican that starred with Winona Ryder in The Age of Innocence.

2. Winona dated Johnny Depp. (unfortunate tattoo)

3. Johnny Depp starred with Keira Knightley in Pirates.

4. Keira Knightley starred as The Duchess with Ralph Fiennes. 

5. Ralph Fiennes was the voice of Ramses in The Prince of Egypt and Val Kilmer was the voice of Moses.

6. Val Kilmer was Tom Cruise's "Iceman" in Top Gun.

7. Tom Cruise beat Kevin Bacon in court in A Few Good Men.

I knew I could do it.

Honorable Movie Score Mentions:

Amadeus ("Lacrymosa"!!!), Legends of the Fall, The Secret Garden, Narnia (first one), The Young Victoria, The Little Princess, Miss Potter, Sense & Sensibility

Urban Legend or Fact:

I have a massage therapist that says the The Count of Monte Cristo soundtrack (Jim Caviezel) is beyond amazing. It's not available anywhere, and when it does pop up used on amazon or ebay it is always over $100. This is insane. Curiosity is killing me. How good is the score? Why is it not available anywhere? If the full score from The Boy Who Could Fly (super stupid Disney movie I watched as a kid) is available on iTunes, why oh why is this movie not? The injustice. 

"Stop Drop and Roll" reminds me of "Snake Rattle & Roll" which was an original Nintendo game my siblings and I enjoyed back in the day. It had this awful ice world that I never did pass. I can still hear the sound of the segmented snake falling to his death from those icy cliffs. Boo. I bet an AF Caveman could pass the ice world. 

Non-octagonal signs are not immune to the criminal activity running rampant in our streets.