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Henry James

Today it feels like summer. I didn't have to drive to school at 3:30. I haven't seen a backpack on the counter or the floor all day. RE is at the pool gaining freckles and losing spare change. There will be a pile of semi-wet towels on the dryer for the next 90 days. The crockpot is working full-time. My tomato plants are getting bigger. I can hear the buzz of a lawnmower at any given moment if I listen closely.

Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language. -Henry James

"A Long Afternoon"





These pictures remind me of a few things:

  • The summers of my youth. Fireflies are everywhere in Missouri.
  • Puck. Shakespeare's Puck. I think he might have lived in that hollow tree on the top drawing.
  • I need to use my Prismacolors more. Less computer, more sketchbook!

I ripped these illustrations out of a 1996 Anthropologie catalog entitled "Beautiful Day." I ripped them out, so I have no reference for who drew them.