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Tiny Matters

When we look at all the Lord asks of us

it can sometimes seem overwhelming.

I am certain the Lord is pleased even with our

small beginnings

because in his infinite wisdom

he knows that

small things often become great things.

-L. Tom Perry


Weeks ago I lamented to my dad there wasn't one oak leaf in Utah. (Unless you count scrub oaks, which I don't.) I desperately wanted an oak leaf for my blog because it is the natural counterpart to the miniscule and underestimated acorn. As luck would have it Greg and I flew to Princeton, NJ, rescued one giant oak leaf from campus, tucked it in a magazine, and flew it safely home. Then we took the acorn that fell on my head in Central Park and flew it home as well. The natural pair underperformed for my photo shoot but I am keeping them nonetheless. They belong together.

I never know where people are at. Are they potential in a shell waiting to branch out, are they majestic and sturdy and weathering this season with ease, are they feeling awkward since they lost their chlorophyll and nervous about the long winter ahead? Are they acorns or oak trees?

Either way we all belong together, too.