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First there were Adam and Eve and they worked side by side actually speaking to one another. There was music and oral tradition and eventually a written language for most. Papyrus. Parchment. Records of worth passed down for generations. Quills and ink and wax seals. Correspondence increased with equine delivery and postmaster generals. Brown paper packages tied up with string. Movable type changed the world. Typewriters. Computers were invented and the sentence remained in tact. Email and billpay zapped the need for stamps. Long distance is long gone and we now bridge geographic gaps with devices that fit in one’s hand. Texting corrupted spelling and twitter has killed punctuation as well as the space bar. I don’t know how much more I can handle, me being an envelope-loving check writer that has never used her debit card. Don't even get me started on e-vites. I demand that we stop all this “progress.”


In the old days, meaning the early 90s when I was in high school, if I was curious about another human I had three choices to get close to them. I could physically talk to them, I could call them on the telephone that was attached to the wall with a curly cord, or I could pass them a note after class (the kind with the little triangle tucked in that said “pull me”).


Nowadays it’s all backwards. If I treasure you, I follow you on Twitter or Pinterest or Instagram. A level lower and you are my facebook friend, the kind that I don’t hide from my feed. If you haven’t infiltrated my firewall things are not looking in your favor. I might give you my cell number but that doesn’t mean we can text. A further notch down deems that you can try my email only if I don't answer the landline. The worst case scenario, the situation that places you just above pond scum on the hierarchy of worth, is if I have locked all my personal electronic doors to you and your only option of approaching me is face to face. The frankness of this singular option is such a crushing blow that we just may end this friendship before it begins.


I don't know where society is headed.


I am trying to embrace it. I know I need to be cool and current so I can communicate with my kid. I just worry that we are all underconnected and overexposed, linked to hundreds at the touch of a button with very little of worth coming out of our virtual mouths.



I spy a hashtag hidden in Terminal 3's stained glass at Salt Lake Airport.