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We have THE DOGS.

THE DOGS is a term for total laziness at our house. The phrase is a derivative of the dog days of summer, altered by a young RE who knew no better when she said, "I have the dogs," meaning, "It's too hot to do anything." The phrase stuck and our family coins it when the time is appropriate. Like today.

Summer is a fading bloom, triple-digit temps have waved farewell, and yet today all three of us have THE DOGS. RE spent the morning vacuuming our house and wanted to be tardy to school (I checked if pigs were flying). Greg has cankers from work stress and wants to go on vacation...again. I baked homemade crackers and went through my kitchen piles until noon. At that point I realized that I hadn't brushed my teeth yet and added two mini Twix bars to the plaque fort being built in my mouth. Then I sat on the floor trying to decide which unfinished project to tackle next. I decided I would get more done if I stopped baking homemade crackers.

I threw my last shred of motivation out the window as I drove to the pool to soak up my final dose of sunshine since the bubble gets installed tomorrow. Now I am back home and ignoring the fact that we are out of trash bags and food and gasoline. I don't care. I'm going to retreat to my mattress and finish my book while I snuggle Lucy.

Nevermind that this glorious weather won't last long and that I should be monopolizing it by painting my back door and finishing the vanity I stripped in spring. No, neveryoumind that.

After I finish my book I'm going to draw a bath, remove the polish that is still on four of my toes, soak, and shave. I just have to be dressed by 2:45 when school is out. I'm not sure I can get it all done.

I guarantee that I'm not cooking tonight, that I'll probably go to Walmart with Greg for our date this evening just to buy trash bags, and that I'll eat four Ghiradelli caramel squares and half an avocado for lunch.

THE DOGS. Sigh. 

*Top photo of Lucy, who I think is also having THE DOGS.

This is how RE looks when she has THE DOGS. Pajamas all day, nothing crossed off the list, but still a roarin' good time.