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Pretty Potent

I have to do two things every day:

1. Eat peanut butter.

2. Something creative.

My aunt sent me a periodical called Where Women Create that depicts the inspiring work spaces of 17 female artists. I read the entire thing in one sitting and came up gasping for air. It was extraordinary! To see the varied studio spaces, hear what triggered their style, read their favorite quotes and see how they organized their outlets made me realize there are people just like me who, despite stinging eyes and the hour on the clock, hurry and make one yarn pom-pom before heading upstairs so we can call it a good day. Good days mean cracked fingertips, glue sticks, Illustrator, bone folders, staplers, watercolor pencils, punches, a black Pilot Precise pen, sketchbooks, swatches, sewing machines, wood, templates, things in the making and things finally finished.

I will make anything, anywhere, anytime. In fact, I have to.

Several of the artists claimed that Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way was a cipher and catalyst to their creative world. I think I need to read this book!

Here are some of the snippets that made me want to fly across state lines and oceans to find these women and ask if they'd indulge me in a soulmate crafternoon (assuming my stalking didn't creep them out):

Hannah Nunn, paper-cut lighting and wallpaper designer:

"I loved being mummy but the desire to make things never left me. It was like having a third child pulling at my skirts, demanding attention, and as much as I tried to put it down it wouldn't be ignored."

Yes! Yes! Pulling at the skirts!

Jenny Eve Van den Arend, textile mistress and exotic couture garment maker:

"(Creativity) is essential, it is my protective cocoon, my yurt." 

Cocoon, like the big brown one in "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"! Yurt, like where people sleep on the Oregon coast!

Judy Olafson Murrah, quilter, sewer, fabric designer:

"Being organized with all my treasures is highly important for my design and sewing process. I need to be able to see all of these things or know where I can quickly and easily find them for the most efficient use of my time and space."

See, it matters that I wrap snippets around spools and file paper scraps in rainbow order and separate buttons by color into baby food jars!

Maya Pagan Donenfeld, recycled material artist (namely bins from coffee bags):

"Make something every single day, even if it's small. The act of creating is often a form of meditation. It nourishes the soul and clears the deck for new ideas to form."

Meditate! Nourish! Clear the decks! Namaste!

and...my favorite...

Anna Maria Horner, textile designer:

"Like everyone, I experience ups and downs in life that can affect my work. 2013 was particularly rough. In the span of six weeks I lost my mother to cancer, gave birth to our youngest daughter, became seriously ill, and suffered a severe knee injury, all while being confronted with newborn care and the challenge of turning in my next fabric collection.

I was spent and uninspired but eventually was able to center the design work on the idea of healing, which was much needed. More specifically, I designed fabrics around plants and flowers that are used in healing, like botanical herbal remedies. I called the collection Pretty Potent. I was able to seek out and rely on resilience as a source of inspiration in the midst of hardship. Despite the difficulties that brought the inspiration about, I look back and see beauty; I see the good in my life."

PRETTY POTENT. Doesn't that just sum up life perfectly? To overcome toxic struggles by focusing on the perpetual exhibition of beauty in front of your eyes? I will make the exhibition. I can make my life beautiful! My paint-by-numbered days will be colored by delving into my caboodle of markers and sequins and spackle and hope and slapping them all together with a smile and a prayer.

2013 was shadow, 2014 was substance, 2015 will be THE EXHIBITION!