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My son is 1. He's 1 and it's 100 degrees outside. It's hot as blazes and his hair is the color of a white hot ember.

One year ago I jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. To add fuel to the fire I was not firing on all cylinders during my trial by fire and life under our roof was a Chinese fire drill. I quickly realized I had too many irons in the fire, started breathing fire (sorry, Greg), and fired away (sorry again, Greg). I wanted to set fire to the rain (what on earth does Adele mean?) but stepped out of the line of fire instead. Now the fire in my belly keeps the home fires burning and I am fired up for victory. Silliness aside there has been a fourth man* in my fiery furnace; I thank the Lord for the proximity of His Son during heat waves and hot spells.

Someday, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we will harness for God the energies of love: and then, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.

Teilhard de Chardin, French scientist

Archer was my graduation gift after earning a master's degree in Wet Wind & Downward Pull. He is my flame after decades of damp; the baby torch burning beside my blazing Aurora bonfire. He is my second chance, my do-over, my make-a-wish-and-blow-it-out come true.


*Daniel 3:25, KJV Bible 

Photo of a Fisher Price Peek-a-Block. I have been collecting Peek-a-Blocks from ebay and Kid-to-Kid since I found out I was pregnant. Blocks are the perfect toy; I can't not buy blocks at the thrift store.

Photo lyric from "Flame" by Alphaville. "Flame" is Alphaville's secret masterpiece no one ever heard because the entire world was dancing to "Forever Young" at prom.