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The day I bought my new sofa the clerk was wearing a gold bar necklace with some curious figures stamped on it. I asked her if it was her name in Greek. She said it stood for GOD IS GREATER THAN THE UPS AND DOWNS. Turns out it's all over the internet on a myriad of products, sometimes saying GOD IS GREATER THAN THE HIGHS AND LOWS. I can't stop thinking about it. Symbolic and clever, yet understated. I tried to stamp my own on a sheet of aluminum even though I didn't have the right font. There shouldn't be serifs. I know, I know. Graphic design crime. Nothing worse than rogue serifs.

If you can't fly, run.

If you can't run, walk.

If you can't walk, crawl.

But by all means, keep moving.

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

There seems to be something about human nature that causes us to reach the highest during our lowest points. -Lloyd Newell

As someone who would classify herself as a high-low type of personality I know what the necklace advertises is true. My mom termed me "roller coaster" before my first birthday. I'm high-contrast and highly sensitive. I feel it all. But more than that, and always above that, I feel God. He is what allows me to keep moving.


Little sign I loved from Hermana Abby McBride: