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Arturo Toscanini, the late, famous conductor of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, received a brief, crumpled letter from a lonely sheepherder in the remote mountain area of Wyoming:

“Mr. Conductor: I have only two possessions—a radio and an old violin. The batteries in my radio are getting low and will soon die. My violin is so out of tune I can’t use it. Please help me. Next Sunday when you begin your concert, sound a loud ‘A’ so I can tune my ‘A’ string; then I can tune the other strings. When my radio batteries are dead, I’ll have my violin.”

At the beginning of his next nationwide radio concert from Carnegie Hall, Toscanini announced: “For a dear friend and listener back in the mountains of Wyoming the orchestra will now sound an ‘A.’” The musicians all joined together in a perfect “A.”

The lonely sheepherder only needed one note, just a little help to get back in tune; he could go on from there. He needed someone who cared to assist him with one string; the others would be easy.

I’m human and therefore out of tune, be it ACCIDENTAL prone to wander, INTENTIONAL you knew what I was when you picked me up, or my best efforts FALLING FLAT If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it; Every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth. General Conference was simply historic this last weekend. It was a 10-hour “A” being sounded.

I approached Conference with specific personal questions. How can I be mad less? What does RE need from me? How can I find joy with my two littles when I feel so exhausted all the time? How do I handle phones in Young Women?

The Holy Spirit employs dozens of gentle and pleasing ways to speak to man but only two uncomfortable signals: piercing and pricking. I felt both this weekend and I am glad of it. It is said the Lord comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable. President Henry B. Eyring said, "Our Father in Heaven is concerned not just about our comfort but even more about our upward progress."

While I would love to be someone comfortable enough to not need progress I do not deflate when pierced. I've watched the currant bush film enough times to not fear correction. The gospel is a gospel of change; the Lord accepts us as we are but expects us to become better. I find it cleansing and invigorating that God speaks to man through prophets as well as personal revelation. My favorite line from the weekend? Elder Lynn Robbins: "Failure is a tutor, not a tragedy." 

The irony is not lost on me that our new prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, has perfect pitch. An online article stated, "He's pretty much a musical superpower. If you ask him to sing an A on the musical scale, he can do it without needing to hear it first." Not only can he sound the perfect "A", he's legitimately in tune with God and completely qualified to instruct us in becoming worthier instruments. A symphony starts with a single note. I have the right note. Now to change directions and create harmony.

Photo quote from Deposition of a Disciple, 28.

Violin story told by Elder David B. Haight in "People to People", October General Conference, 1981.

Comfort vs. Progress quote by President Henry B. Eyring in "My Peace I Leave with You", April General Conference, 2017.