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Jordan River Fridays

Before it closed for earthquake-proof renovation and remodeling, Greg went to the Jordan River Utah Temple every Friday on his way home from work. Afterwards he would stop at Schmidt’s Bakery. For so long Friday nights meant Greg coming in the back door with a white shirt, a white smile, and a white box full of 89-cent lemon bars and s’mores squares.

One-hundred and eight long Schmidt's-free weeks have passed but no more. The temple was rededicated five days ago. Greg and I attended the noon dedicatory session; I couldn't write notes fast enough.

Sister Joy D. Jones said the temple is where we find "milk and honey without money and price".

A man told a story about the day his youngest daughter was sealed in the temple while he was in Palermo chained to his assignment of Mission President. He went to a beautiful overlook of the town and bay expecting to feel great sadness at missing such an occasion. Instead, he was filled with joy and peace because he knew what blessings she was receiving.

Bishop Dean Davies said each temple is a symbol of God's love for us. He added, "Temples are not inexpensive but they are essential to God's plan." I thought how obedience isn't cheap either but it's just as necessary. The original Jordan River Temple was built with member donations. Members actually donated 110% of the cost, so the temple was able to be maintained for a bit with the surplus. He told the story of an old woman who had such bad cataracts she couldn't see eight inches in front of her face. She took her life savings, which had been slowly growing in order to pay for cataract surgery, and donated it to the cause. The Bishop who received her offering said, "What was I supposed to do? Reject her sacrifice? No, no. I accepted it and silently wept inside."

I love the temple. I have three favorite temple quotes:

The Church is prose. The temple is poetry. -Bruce C. Hafen

We need the temple more than anything else. -Joseph Smith

The earth temple is in the middle of everything around which all heavenly motions revolve, the knot that ties the earth together. -Hugh Nibley

We all need reminders to avoid deception. Attend the temple more often to avoid deception. -President Jeff Rich

Today is Friday and Greg left for work wearing a white shirt. He's headed to his haven. He considers it "his temple" and likes to tease me by saying "the truly humble go to Jordan River". I tease him back about the GENERAL AUTHORITY ONLY sign drilled above a close parking spot. The truly humble can walk a few extra feet. Ha! A diehard Colorado native, Greg loves himself some blue spruces–especially if it's just rained and they are extra scented–so he always exits via the walkway hedged by old and tall spruce patriarchs.

It is Friday and I am craving square bars that leave buttery shadows on their box.



He [Christ] doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation.

Behold, doth he cry unto any, saying: Depart from me? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; but he saith: Come unto me all ye ends of the earth, buy milk and honey, without money and without price.

2 Nephi 26:24–25

Here are the references for my favorite quotes. Could my shorter quotes have longer references? Bibliographies are ugly. Fine print in general is ugly. Still, I don't want to be one of those people with fake quotes, so:

"To Enliven the Soul" by Bruce C. Hafen, Provost, Brigham Young University, Church Music Workshop Keynote, July 31, 1990.

Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, 416.

No reference for President Rich. I was sitting on the pew when he said it.