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Paint Swatch Valentines $3

Paint swatches: FREE (I grabbed a few per week leading up to Valentine's Day as to not wipe out Lowe's or Home Depot's supply of swatches.)

Candy $3


Rubber Stamps & Ink

Clear Coat Aerosol Spray

Corner Rounder

Saw this in Country Living magazine a year ago. Appropriately, most of the pink and red paint colors are named "Sizzle," "Burning Love," "Crush," etc. RE and I trimmed them, rounded the corners, stamped the letters with Versafine ink, sprayed an aerosol clear coat to prevent smearing, filled the square vellum envelopes with candy, and taped them shut with pink grid washi tape.

These would have cost money if I didn't already have a bunch of scrapbooking supplies on hand, as well as the vellum envelopes, which can be pricey. I'm a sucker for vellum AND squares, so I would have cashed out an IRA for these if I had to.

Reader Comments (2)

What a great idea! You rock the blogosphere! It inspires me to find ways to repurpose the things that I already have.

April 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLund Family

Some people are creative and some are in a league far higher than those gifted individuals - that's where you reside. I wonder if I can ever take the trash out anymore without wondering what someone could make out of a pair of holey socks, a tuna can, a bottle cap, and 20 Walmart bags. I'll be watching your blog for the answer. Nice work!

April 29, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdazzled

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