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Water Heater Drip Pan Door Decoration $1.82

I've had this crude barnwood frame in our garden shed forever. I snipped two squares from this scrap metal that we ripped out of our cabin when we installed a new water heater. Greg thinks it was the old drip pan. I have no idea what it was, but it came from our cabin's water heater closet and it isn't magnetic. (Rats!) Greg recycled the metal I didn't use along with the old water heater. He got $11 for it. That is a lot of money in ReDEUX Land.

After I snipped a larger square and a smaller square (use tin snips or crummy scissors set aside for cutting crummy things), I used my metal alphabet and hammered the word "WELCOME" into the center of the small square. I punched holes in the corners to secure the small square to the big square with silver brads. I also drilled two holes in the top corners of the barn wood frame for the ribbon. I used the largest drill bit we own. 

This is the metal alphabet. I originally bought it at the craft store and it was made by Making Memories.

Then I cleaned the metal with my Mrs. Meyer's countertop spray. Don't you just love Mrs. Meyer's? I used to drive all the way to Sur la Table at The Gateway to buy it, but now it's at Walmart. Excellent. Don't buy the geranium scent. It's nasty.

I took it to Hobby Lobby and had the framer shoot some glazier's points around the edges to hold everything in place since my nails weren't holding (the wood was so distressed they kept falling out). The framer didn't even charge me. I was expecting to pay a dollar. Yahoo. I tied my ribbon (taken from a wrinkled gift bag) in knots in the front of the frame.

Lastly, I hot-glued some felt to the back so when the frame bangs against the door we don't hear it. And it looks nicer. I had to buy the felt, which was $1.82 for half a yard. I have tons left, so if anyone needs felt please call.


I love it.

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