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RE's Easter Dress $7




Old shirts from SIL "Leesh" (they were all stained and therefore could not be donated to Goodwill)

One of Greg's old white Sunday shirts for the bottom "stripe"

Lace for the hemmed edge ($7)

I had to add a button to the bodice for RE's little body. I also had to add five darts to make it fit her. Lucky day: the sleeves were fine "as is." I hate messing with sleeves.

I used the smocking from this gauzy cotton shirt for the waist.

I made a strip with pintucks for a little textural detail.

ReDEUX projects really aren't about the money for me. Making something out of nothing just gives me satisfaction, especially with things that are termed "unusable." I know I am not the greatest seamstress yet, but I love hearing my daughter say I'm awesome and seeing her twirl in it. I also love that RE outgrew a shirt with neat embellishments on it this week and saved it under her bed for a ReDEUX she has in mind. Teach 'em while they're young!

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