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Clothing Modifications $0

I am officially over my nervousness to cut up my existing clothes in an effort for them to be more tailored or more to my liking. I've had this checkered shirt that I never wear because the sleeves are too floofy. So I used my new gathering foot (SHAZAM! *sound of my old world shattering*) to cinch up the sleeves.

I also made a little exposed seam coming down from the shoulder to the edge of the sleeve. Now I'm prarie chic. It works for me.

I've also had these gray capris for years and they bore me despite their usefulness and durability. I was making muffins when the foil muffin liners inspired me to make a "cupcake cuff." I unpicked and unrolled the cuff that had been sewn in place and then sewed six pintucks instead. I like the oddity of them and Lucy is clearly enthralled with the makeover.

So easy. These clothes were old, so if I had messed up terribly I wouldn't have cared. It's easy to sew when there's no pressure to succeed or fear of failure. Just do it! Mess with something!

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