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My great-grandmother Beatrice "Honey Bee" Josephine Perry gave me this charm when I was 5. "Melissa" is Greek for "honey bee" (mythological Melissa fed infant Zeus honey instead of milk) so the keepsake was passed from one bee to another.

The story goes that Honey Bee was immersed in the world of horoscopes, hence the charm is likely a rendering of Libra's Balance. I recently took it from the tiny bag it has been stored in for 30 years and had it attached to a link chain and ring of significance. To me the charm signifies the scales of justice and it rests on my heart when worn.

As a mother it seems like I get more opportunities to be Bad Cop than Greg does. My primary role is to raise and nurture RE, so I'm naturally the one that corrects her when correction is needed. We all need expectations and parameters, but sometimes I fear I demand a little too much justice from such a tender plant trying her hardest to grow tall in an already windy world. I do not need to assist in blowing her down. Many others will attempt that.

As a mother I also get more opportunities to be Good Cop. I have more chances to love RE with a merciful heart. I brush away small mishaps and embrace her fragility while encouraging forward progress. I water her seed of deity with that mercy.

I wear the Scales of Justice over my Merciful Heart to continually remind myself that both traits are necessary in a good parent. The ultimate parent, God our Heavenly Father, demands justice but also bestows infinite mercy on all of us. Justice + Mercy. Keep them close together.