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Hands-Free Trading Post

Oysters don't have hands. If they did they would pluck out that grain of sand that was bugging them and let it fall to the ocean floor. Nature forces them to withstand annoyance and irritation, to deal with it, to stick it out, and in common hours* a premium pearl is discovered inside.

Dieter Uchtdorf said, "Satan's purpose is to tempt us to exchange the priceless pearls of true happiness and eternal values for a fake plastic trinket that is merely an illusion and counterfeit of happiness of joy."

If you realize life has planted an uncomfortable (and possibly long-lasting) trial in your sphere DON'T necessarily look for the quick fix or the easy out. This grit might be the gift of a lifetime. Walk right past the trading post, protect that vexing grain of discomfort, and trust that the continuing rocky road will transform it into rare treasure.

If I had rid myself of the conflict of infertility I would have missed out on the pearl that grew from within. My pearl was created from what I learned about my body, my health, others' trials, sympathy, empathy, angels, miracles, sacrifice, trust and love. Pain, persistence, and the passing of time produce priceless pearls.

And priceless beats plastic in the long run.


My dad's favorite quote: If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. -Henry David Thoreau