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Golden Ticket


I found these in my spiral notebook I used to take notes in. You know, nesting and all. I'm even going through spiral notebooks that are three years old...

I remember RE coming to me with her hand concealing most of the page asking if I would sign my autograph on the line. I played along and signed, she quickly uncovered the contract and revealed how I was now entrapped in her evil plan to get gum for life. (I like how she scribbled out the 3 and made it a 10. Good for her. If you're gonna go for it, go for it!)

I got her back when I asked her to sign her name on a blank piece of paper weeks later. I drew in the rest of the coupon after the fact because moms are sneakier than kids. She HATES washing pans from gross congealed meals.

Oh, kids. For all the cranky, sick, picky, emotional days there are just as many golden ticket days. I love being a mom.