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Unlimited Data

Bishop Thornton gave a humdinger of a talk on prayer at church yesterday. It was right up there with his Oliver Granger newlywed-in-a-chemical-suit talk. It reminded me to record two quotes I wrote on tiny scraps of ripped-off paper a long time ago. They float around my desk and fall to the ground when the ceiling fan gets turned on. I keep stuffing them in newer, hopefully better spots but I just can't risk losing them one more time.

"Work like it's all up to you, pray like it's all up to Him." -one of Abby McBride's favorite quotes

"Parents should teach their children to pray. The child learns both from what the parents do and what they say. The child who sees a mother or a father pass through the trials of life with fervent prayer to God and then hears a sincere testimony that God answered in kindness will remember what they saw and heard. When their trials come, they will be prepared. In time, when the child is away from home and family, prayer can provide the shield of protection the parent will want so much for them to have." -Henry B. Eyring, "Write Upon My Heart," Ensign, November 2000