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Halloween Garland from Tangled Trash $0




Every year our church has a Halloween carnival. There is a fish pond. The same heap of Oriental Trading Company toys get given every year. This blob of Halloween necklaces has been in the supply box for at least four years. Greg tried to untangle them during an entire Presidential debate but it was no use. Too tangled. So I chopped the rubbery little plastic pieces off of the strings and made a garland with them.

I just tied each trinket to a scrap of ribbon with a different scrap of ribbon. I was finally able to use the roll of Halloween ribbon Diane Gaede gave me two years ago! Hooray! No materials needed other than scissors, ribbon, and the items you are stringing.

I love hanging seasonal swags from my collection of glass bottles. Plus it forces me to clean all the bottles a few times a year.

You can make garlands from anything: leftover holiday paraphernalia, buttons, miniature toys, game pieces, cards, ticket stubs, etc.


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