ReDEUX: second-hand objects enjoying a second life

ReDEUX projects generally cost no money.

ReDEUX projects have caused me to knock on strange doors and ask for people's trash off the street.

ReDEUX projects make me happier than anything.

Objects always have the potential to be repurposed.

Entries in Halloween (2)


Foam Plumber's Tubing = Wreath Form <$1

My friend Mia made a wreath like this from Better Homes and Gardens' website. I can't find the link, but this shows you how to wrap yarn around a foam wreath form in a Christmas version. Just scroll down to the white wreath with a twig of berries shooting out of it.

I had seen online that you can buy 6' of plumber's tubing at Home Depot for less than a dollar and make your own wreath form. So I did it. Super easy. I trimmed it a bit and taped it with packing tape.

So tape up your plumber's tubing and get started!

I wrapped the first round with "clean" lines.

I did "messy" lines the second round.

I had some random black Halloween ribbon (given to me years ago by a neighbor who was cleaning her basement) that I cut with pinking shears and wrapped around for a little contrast.

RE helped me sew a spiderweb of felt and we hot glued it to the back of the wreath.

Then we used epoxy to affix the spider to the wreath. He is not coming off. Ever.

I was super happy about this project because I was able to use up the rest of my orange yarn that is too ugly to use for anything other than a Halloween project. The felt was leftover from RE's S&P shaker Halloween costume, and the spider was in our Halloween box but never appropriately used indoors. I like cheap door decorations because if they get worn out and weathered it's not a sad day when they have to be thrown away.

Now go use up all the spare yarn in your house. Go!


Halloween Garland from Tangled Trash $0




Every year our church has a Halloween carnival. There is a fish pond. The same heap of Oriental Trading Company toys get given every year. This blob of Halloween necklaces has been in the supply box for at least four years. Greg tried to untangle them during an entire Presidential debate but it was no use. Too tangled. So I chopped the rubbery little plastic pieces off of the strings and made a garland with them.

I just tied each trinket to a scrap of ribbon with a different scrap of ribbon. I was finally able to use the roll of Halloween ribbon Diane Gaede gave me two years ago! Hooray! No materials needed other than scissors, ribbon, and the items you are stringing.

I love hanging seasonal swags from my collection of glass bottles. Plus it forces me to clean all the bottles a few times a year.

You can make garlands from anything: leftover holiday paraphernalia, buttons, miniature toys, game pieces, cards, ticket stubs, etc.