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The Linda Curly Christensen



Homemade 100% Whole Wheat Bread, toasted

Half an Avocado

Spike Seasoning

Smoked Gouda

Melted the entire sandwich for 30 seconds in the microwave

[My painter sister, the infamous Cristall Harper, worked as an apprentice for Linda Curly Christensen mixing paints, blocking in landscape backgrounds and painting several murals for the LDS temples. Linda was very healthy and taught Cristall how to eat avocados on toast. Cristall would rave about it to me, I'd scrunch my nose in disgust, I'd hang up on her, and then I'd go eat a marshmallow brownie. Well, the joke was on me since it's only the best sandwich in the Andromeda Galaxy. I eat this roughly four times a week for lunch. Spike seasoning is sold at Good Earth and is a blend of 39 herbs. It has everything from sea salt to cinnamon to kelp in it. I look at the ingredients and mentally they just don't add up, but the sum of all 39 flavors works. If you can find it, get it. Spike is fantastic on chicken, eggs, veggies, and this sandwich. I now have a sixth sense with avocados. Buy them rock hard, let them ripen on a sunny windowsill and when you can barely smoosh your finger into the skin put them in the fridge (unless you are eating them the next day). It will help them keep longer. The Linda Curly Christensen fills me with rage because I don't live in California and I can't have my own avocado tree in the yard to love and cherish.] 

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