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Trudge Beautifully

It was probably one of the top five days of my life because i wasn't expecting it.

Earlier this spring my painterly sister, Cristall Harper, invited me to meet Sister Elaine Dalton. For those not of my faith, Elaine Dalton is the General President of our church's worldwide organization for girls aged 12-18. It is called the Young Women's Organization and is run entirely by volunteers. I have put 6 years into the organization since I was married. Sister Dalton is a grandmother, marathon runner, fellow lover of honeybees and wearer of her signature color, pale yellow. She champions virtue, education, service, self-worth, and integrity to girls all over the planet.

Cristall had set up an artwork delivery with Elaine Dalton's secretary and understood the appointment to be a quick drop-off. I thought it would be worth it for RE to get a possible glimpse of Elaine Dalton so I pulled her out of school. The plan was that we'd all drive downtown together, deliver the painting, and then enjoy a Bruges waffle on 300 South. (Cristall had never partaken of Bruges' famous yeasted waffle topped with strawberries, crème fraîche and melted Belgian dark chocolate.)

Imagine our surprise when we arrived at the Relief Society Building (a few minutes late due to Cristall insisting we park in underground section U2...the furthest spot from the elevators) and were seated in a gorgeous private office complete with a honeybee half bath. We sat admiring the statues and decor and excellent taste in furniture when the door opened and in walked not only Sister Dalton but also Sister Ann Dibb and Sister Mary Cook. The entire General Young Women's Presidency. My oh my.

They sat down next to us, literally next to us, in their polka dots and citron green and skinny belts. Cristall presented them with her framed painting and discussed how much serving in the Young Women's Organization meant to her as a married woman without children. I sat in awe as my protective little sister opened up her wounds and bled freely. She also told them that she loves to paint tulips over any other flower because they hold the light. (There's a post...) All three women shared personal insights and stories with us.

Sister Dalton took RE aside and put a crown on her head and talked with her one on one. My mother heart was overflowing.

For half an hour we discussed religion in relation to handling our specific personal challenges. Their advice was candid, funny, heartfelt and pure. As the conversation wrapped up I lamented, "So life goes on and we just keep trudging forward?" to which Sister Dalton replied,

Yes. And we trudge beautifully.

Her words are forever etched into my soul. We trudge beautifully. I noticed the opposite of TRUDGE is TIPTOE. Trudging, while grueling, certainly takes one farther than mere tiptoeing. Might as well get somewhere if you're making the effort to move...

I was looking into her eyes when she spoke to me and couldn't help but feel that her sentiment was exactly what the Savior would say to me had He been there instead. "There, there. Life can be hard, but it is still intended to be beautiful. Just keep moving forward. Forward progress is all I ask."

It is hard to define, especially in a cynical world, the feeling I had as I sat on that beautiful sofa with respected strangers. I was completely certain that God knows and loves me. A fluttering within that assured me God's son, the Savior Jesus Christ, really did suffer for my sins as well as my infirmities. I love the word infirmities. It sums up self-doubt + self-hate + self-frustration + self-destruction.

To enter the stage a bit weak, a bit worn, a bit defeated, and exit stage left an hour later fixed, resolute and warrior-like.

To see with clarity that while some days are

[sunny-weathered Temple Square visits complete with sugar cookies and penny wishes in fountains]

and other days are

[the emotional version of crawling on one's hands and knees frantically feeling for the path marked FORWARD]

there is surely beauty in it all simply because God is in it all.

Forever changed, we drove home on Cloud Nine and completely forgot about the waffles.


*work in progress by my little sister Cristall Harper, Master of Tulips