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I would rather fold 50 fitted sheets than confront someone, so I hope this doesn't sound confrontational.

My beautiful country that was founded on pristine moral principles and inalienable rights has reduced itself to a raucous ruckus of contention, blame, ridicule, apathy and jargon. Tolerance is demanded by most and given by few. Self-interest trumps virtue all day long. The current political climate is less than balmy.

Still, I am lucky to be an American. I just read that our Constitution is 225 years old and that every nation in the world (excepting six) has adopted a written constitution based on ours. I believe the U.S. Constitution is a holy, inspired document. Have you read it since 9th grade?

Immeasurable effort and lives were given to establish my freedoms, one of which is the right to say whatever I want. Just because I have the right to say whatever I want doesn't mean I actually should. Even Bono sang ONE LIFE, YOU'VE GOT TO DO WHAT YOU SHOULD.

Before I am a citizen, a partisan, a party member or an affiliate I am a member of the human family and a daughter of God. Having the right to speak your mind does not outweigh the commandments to love thy neighbor (and thy enemies) and adhere to the Golden Rule. Quentin Cook said,

It is appropriate to disagree, but it is not appropriate to be disagreeable. How we disagree is a real measure of who we are and whether we truly follow the Savior.

I believe in thinking. I believe in thinking forcibly. I believe in standing up intelligently for your cause. I do not believe in bullying or mockery. I do not believe in throwing friendship, loyalty or compassion out the window simply because someone likes a different candidate or proposition than I do. I also love vegans while I myself adore meat, especially a garlic-rubbed tri-tip hot off the grill. I can agree to disagree.

Use your head but don't forget you have a heart. Kindness matters.


*Picture of a plastic wrap statue someone staked in their yard for Halloween. I was driving by and saw it, swerved, parked, captured it. People that can do figures are amazing. I got a C+ in Figure Drawing at BYU. Hated that class.